my daughter is driving me crazy with anime! i mean i can see artistically why she is drawn to it and peer pressure has a part of it as well. but why does she need to be totally obsessed with it. the shows are not the only things she wants and sneaks to be involved in, its the drawing, the online chats involving anime, the movies, posters, pictures, basically anything anime but mainly focusing on inuashi sorry i have no idea how to spell it lol . i know it has a y in there somewhere but i am totally clueless. some of the underlying messages on it are very sad, death and fighting aside it also teaches them not only to question authority ( which i totally support) but fight it. or rather fight your parents. sorry not cool . if it was a hobby i could probably deal with it but its been a year now and the longer she is into it the deeper she gets into it. for example in the past few months she has been grounded from it because she has skipped meals to watch it and snuck on the computer in the middle of the night to get on the websites or draw or write in her journal about the characters. she has dozens of story lines that she has written for characters that she has drawn and named herself. which on a larger time frame would actually make me happy but she is failing school and not taking care of her body the way a newly developing teen should she is only 12 ( well almost 13 now) and i can see that she is hurting herself with lack of sleep and healthy eating. so we are taking her into the doctor after finding her huddled in the garage the other morning with her pictures printing on my laptop . not one or two pictures which would have pissed me off anyway but this was 250 pictures and my laptop is slow when not connected to a outlet so you can imagine that she had been up for hours and it was 530 in the morning. so no i am not happy and i am hoping the dr can help her because we have tried everything else.
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