blog 1 contemporary studio

This is a scan of our first assignment. As you can see drawing is not my forte. I prefer to express myself artistically in a 3d format.
The assignment was to draw blocks and put pictures in them from that are representative of the alphabet.
This is part of the assignment as I wanted to keep this small.
Being the mother of 3 teenagers and taking care of a disabled husband takes up a great amount of my time. When the day is over with and I am able to do my homework, and work on my pieces, it is generally very late at night.
This past week for this assignment was really no different. I was awake doing work for my other classes until after 2 am nightly. I chose to work on this piece in the mornings when the kids were out the door to school and I was getting ready for school myself.
I had a difficult time doing this project, simply because I misinterpreted the actual assignment. Instead of using real life things, I used my imagination. Hopefully she will not discount the effort, despite my inability to follow her instructions.
Labels: contemporary studio fall 2009