Friday, October 23, 2009


The assignment was to walk with a pair or more and take pictures as you went. I did not have a pair so I went alone. I did meet up for a few minutes with Krystal, but my legs could not take me where this assignment needed me to go. So I changed it up a little. 

Being handicapped is often very lonely and difficult to manage. The ramps are always far away from the building and we walk slower than most. So I decided that because I was going to do this alone that I was going to take pictures where I cannot walk and where I can walk kind of the landscape from my perspective. 

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mandala 2


size 10 inches by 9 inches.

For some reason I cannot draw a circle, as a result this one is an oval.

I began doodling across the circle vine like lines, connecting each one to another. Once I was satisfied that the negative space between lines was sufficient, I began adding leaves on both sides of each of these lines. I noticed however that once the leaves were on the lines that I had blank spaces and decided to draw little spirals. I have not finished this but decided I really like this pattern and may use it on vase or platter or something in clay.

I like this form of drawing and I will be using it in the future to come up with ideas and patterns for my ceramic pieces.

Here is the design on a small cup. It is not fired yet, but I will post more after it is fired.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Mandala 1
size: 8 inches by 7 inches

In the six years since I began my college experience, I have never heard of the mandala. I realized with this project that I learn something new every day.

I began my circle ( ahem ok it is oval) with random lines and kept turning the page. I am not very good at drawing so I guess until I was halfway through my drawing was completely random. When I paused for a moment and kept turning I saw what I did not expect to see. It was a landscape, or more to the point a path.

Normally I work with clay, and currently I am working on round platters with paths in them. I am not sure if this drawing will end up being in the series of paths that I am producing now. But it will definately be an option later on down the line.

I actually scanned this at school and had my partner send it to me. unfortunatly it was scanned as a pdf file and blogger will not allow me to upload it either. I will be rescanning this at school tomorrow as well.

still life

second still life
10 inches by 13 inches

First student still life.

8 inches by 10 inches

I created a still life as a project for my contemporary studios class. I will rescan it and add it at school since the one i scanned is not compatible with this blog.

I really do not remember a whole lot about the still life other than I was studying for a geology exam and liked the set up I had and decided it would be a great still life. A students still life.

I had not realized how messy I am when I am studying until I finished the drawing and stepped away from it.

I also realized that drawing while recovering from surgery and on percoset are not compatible when it comes to a good drawing. Of course I realized this after I was off the percoset and attempting to scan the drawing.

Still life's are normally not something I enjoy, but honestly, I have to admit that I enjoyed creating this one.